Monday, April 23, 2012

Pre Departure Paperwork..Long time waiting..


Well, as I told earlier in my last post..I will share my experience about pre-departure paperwork to enter Japan as Dependent Visa holder or Category G..

Basically you can access the requirements by clicking this link:
Specifically in Indonesia, you can go to this site:

In that site, you'll find term of Certificate of Eligibility. This is the important document which will mostly smooth the process both in visa application and when clearing Japan immigration.

In my case, my husband who is PhD student in Kobe University, already stayed in Japan. He was the one who arrange the document at a regional immigration authority in the area. He only applied COE for spouse as we don't have any children yet.

What you need to prepare:
- Your spouse original certificate of marriage
- Copy of your spouse certificate of marriage 3 pcs
- Your recent colored photograph size 3,5 x 4,5 cm with no background 8 pcs (for back up, I also sent 8 pcs of size 4,5 x 4,5 cm)
- Copy of your passport 3 pcs
- Copy of your certificate of marriage 3 pcs
- Copy of your Family Certificate (or Kartu Keluarga) 3 pcs
Who will arrange the document:
Your spouse who already in Japan, so you need to send all the above documents to your spouse in Japan.

In other case, my friend entered Japan as tourist then apply for dependent visa in Indonesia from Japan. That could be an option, but not for me as I was not able to leave my job yet at that time.

How long the process:
In my case, the process took around 1 month, some said around 1-1,5 months. It was a huge relief when I know my COE was approved ;)

What to do next:
The original COE must be sent to you in order to apply the visa in your country of residence. As this is a very important document, use express and reputable registered mail service.

I also used travel agent to help me with the whole process as I was full time employee at that time, recommended by my friend who regularly uses their services too to apply Japan Visa. It was very helpful as I only needed to spend few hours to present at the Embassy. The visa application form already filled by travel agent staff. Please come early, Visa Application counter in Japan Embassy at Jakarta only open at 08.30 - 12.00. Lucky me, it was not too full when I came.

This is link of Japan embassy and consulate with its jurisdiction territory in Indonesia:

To be precised, Japan embassy in Jakarta is located between Grand Hyatt Hotel and EX building. If you go by private car, please aware of 3 in 1 schedule. No parking at the embassy, you can park your car at EX or Nikko Hotel across MH Thamrin street trough back gate (no 3 in 1) then walk to Embassy.

When applying visa, I also submitted below additional documents:
- 1 pc copy of Certificate of Eligibility
- 1 pc copy of Certificate of Marriage
- 1 pc copy of my husband student card (copy back and forth)
- 1 pc copy of my husband alien card (copy back and forth)
- 1 pc copy of my husband staying Visa
- 1 pc copy of my husband passport

The process took 5 days and the original COE was returned to you. It was pretty much tense while waiting, because I already bought the ticket. Hehehe, such a risk taker, yet worth for the cheap fare price ;) Thanks God, my visa application was also granted, just 2 days before my departure date. Alhamdulillah ^^

Another tip: Don't forget to make 1 more copy of the additional documents to be shown when clearing Japan Immigration at the airport.

Well, Visa and COE already in my was time to pack!! See you at next chapter, Packing and Packaging...

Special thanks to: my hubby, for all the effort and tips :*..Ais, see u soon in Kobe ^^ and Pak Sony from Aerotravel Jakarta..

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hajimemashite!! A warm welcoming...

Ohayou!! Hajimemashite..

Finally jadi juga bikin blognya, setelah sekian lama didesak-desak sama adikku yg uda lebih dulu terpapar sama dunia blogging,

Hmmm...where to begin?

Well actually, hari ini uda hampir seminggu, lebih tepatnya 6 hari sejak menginjakkan kaki di Kansai International Airport, Osaka tgl 13 April 2012, pkl 21.25 waktu Osaka. Alhamdulillah sampai dengan selamat dan bisa lolos imigrasi dengan lancar. Loh, emang kenapa gitu? karenaaaa...bkn sekedar Tourist Visa Holder biasa, tapi aku megang visa kategori G atau As Dependent dan dapet ijin tinggal di Jepang selama 27 bulan dalam rangka ngikut suami yg lagi lanjutin studi disini. So uda kebayang parnonya bakal ditanya macem-macem. 

Untungnya setelah nunjukin dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan, aku bisa lewat imigrasi dengan mudah. Padahal kalo diinget2, masih berasa deh gimana sport jantungnya waktu proses pengurusan dokumen, dan akhirnya visa baru ditangan pas H-2 keberangkatan. Fiuuhh..

Nah, mengingat pentingnya kelengkapan dokumen yang diperlukan, I'll write another chapter special for pre-departure paperwork..

Proud to say, Clear the Immigration, check!! ^^